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About Us

The picture on the right is not of me as a kid, but my two sons.  Extremely patient and open-minded about getting up every Saturday with my at 8:15am, rain or shine, for 10+ years, as students in my Karate class.  One is now a black belt, the other very close.  Truly they have earned their rank. They are incredible young men!  They probably would have been so without the Saturday morning workouts, but I'm sure that the workouts didn't hurt the process.   But as martial arts has been part of their schedule for the early part of their life, it is a way of life for me.  


I still get harrassed about a karate demo that I did at St. Francis elementary school in 5th grade.   (I am now well into my 40s).  Since then I have studied 5 different styles of martial arts, 3 to the rank of brown belt, and have dedicated my life to the study of this ever so amazing, under appreciated, multifaceted discipline.  I now co-run a karate school, I co-own an ecomm martial arts gear website ( (buy your gear there, period), and continue to pursue that unending study of all aspects of martial arts.


The martial arts is largely about passing knowledge from instructor to student.  This BLOG will do just that.  I have a body of knowledge incarcerated in paper format waiting to be appreciated by others.  I hope you will appreciate it.  I will be addressing many topics.  If you visit and you don't see something of your particular interest, come back and you'll probably see something next time.  Pressure points, martial arts movies, philosophical topics, the mechanics of running a tournament, business advice for starting a dojo, business advice for experienced dojos.  We'll discuss it all.  I look forward to meeting you.



Gloves Up Wide Crop
Young Muscular Man
IGK Logo Refr 2019
Kung Fu Training
Kung Fu Training
About Me

I'm a business executive full-time.  I love my work, but my second passion--well it's a way of life--is karate.  I am Chief Instructor, Renshi, 4th Degree Black belt at OCIGK in southern California.  I look forward to sharing with you as I do with my students every day.  

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